Join us for the 
Kids' Adoption Network (KAN) 2024 Conference

Celebrating Community, Linking Our Hearts

 at McLean School, Potomac, Maryland



Saturday, November 9, 2024            9:00AM to 4:30PM EST

This event is exclusively for adoptive parents and children & teens who have joined their family through adoption. ♥

The Kids' Adoption Network (KAN) Conference is a full day of fun and learning that includes lunch and engaging activities for children, teens, parents, caregivers, and prospective adoptive parents.

Parents participate in insightful workshops led by adoption experts and panel discussions with adult adoptees. Kids explore and learn through workshops designed by our highly trained adoption-competent therapists in groups by grade, with teens (9th-12th grade) together in one group.

The day ends with carnival games and prizes. 

If you adopted through Department of Social Services, your registration will be free and covered under the Fund-A-Family Scholarship Program.


C.A.S.E. Thanks Our Sponsors





    9:00AM - 9:30AM EST 
    Registration & Continental Breakfast

  • 9:30AM - 10:00AM EST

  • 10:00AM - 11:30AM EST
    Workshop 1

  • 11:30AM - 12:30PM EST
    Celebrating Community: Give Back Project

  • 12:30PM - 1:15PM EST
    Pizza Party Lunch

  • 1:15PM - 3:00PM EST
    Workshop 2

  • 3:00PM - 3:30PM EST

  • 3:30PM - 4:30PM EST
    Family Carnival


Inside KAN

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1st - 8th Grade


This year's kids program will explore how communities are represented in our lives and how we identify as part of our communities. It will help the kids understand who they are through creative art projects, games, interaction, connection and sharing with other adoptees. The kids will identify how they benefit from community and what they bring to it.

Through a service project kids will learn how we can support our communities and how communities in turn support us. The program will help kids explore communities they’re a part of including family, adoption, culture/ethnicity, SOGIE, spiritual, extracurricular activities, and social groups.

Image description here.

Parent Program

 The Community of Adoption - Building and Honoring Connections

Keynote Presenter:

Angela Tucker 


Angela Tucker an adoptee herself, knows that the concept of “openness in adoption” is not clear cut. It is not merely exchange of photos, sending emails, or share a visit; rather, openness can be imagined as a lifestyle that may have its ups and downs as all family relationships. Angela will share about a new Inclusive Family Support Model, which provides clarity of what openness is and is not. In this model, all adoptive families reside in one of the four quadrants that we have named: inclusive, spirit of openness, mediated contact, and closed. She'll share about the model and then together, families will interact to ensure they know where they are and if they have genuinely integrated the issues of ambiguous loss, the Ghost Kingdom and the adoptee's communities of origin in their life. Let's work on this together! 

Afternoon: A Panel of Individuals With Lived  Experiences

Join us to hear from birthparents, adoptees, siblings and adoptive parents as they share their personal journey in navigating these connections Angela Tucker will moderate this vibrant panel and will open up the discussion to include your questions.


Image description here.

9th - 12th Grade Workshops


This year's teens program will explore how communities are represented in our lives and how we identify as part of our communities. It will help the teens understand who they are through creative art projects, games, interaction, connection and sharing with other adoptees. The teens will identify how they benefit from community and what they bring to it.

Through a service project teens will learn how we can support our communities and how communities in turn support us. The program will help teens explore communities they’re a part of including family, adoption, culture/ethnicity, SOGIE, spiritual, extracurricular activities, and social groups. 

Frequently Asked Questions

KAN 2024 is open to any and all adoptive families with finalized adoptions with youth in grades 1-12 who joined their family through adoption and adoptive parents. At least one parent must register and attend KAN for any participating adoptive youth.

Please have youth come dressed in comfortable clothes as they will be doing some art projects and moving around over the course of the day.

Pizza lunches are provided for all youth with vegetarian and nonvegetarian options. If your child(ren) requires a special diet, please pack an appropriate lunch in a disposable bag with your child’s name on the front to give to CASE staff at registration.  We will be sure your child gets it at lunch time.

KAN is for adoptive parents and youth who joined the family through adoption only.

We are not able to provide childcare at KAN 2024.

Email us at [email protected]

Email us at [email protected] with other questions about the KAN Conference.