Dominica's Story: A Life of Courage, Hope, and Love
By Dominica Annese (Author), Francine Annese Apy (Contributor), Kate Graney (Contributor), Kaitlin McQuade (Contributor)
Beneath the Mask: For Teen Adoptees: Teens and Young Adults Share Their Stories
C.A.S.E. CEO Debbie Riley co-authored the signature book, Beneath the Mask: Understanding Adopted Teens, for clinicians and parents of teens. NOW...the C.A.S.E. Team has created this new companion workbook specifically for teens, featuring heartfelt stories written by teen and young adult adoptees who graciously shared their feelings about their own adoption journeys. Filled with activities and journaling pages, this workbook offers teen adoptees and their parents a valuable resource.
Beneath the Mask: Understanding Adopted Teens
Packed with case studies and powerful insights from adopted teens, you'll benefit from years of ground-breaking therapeutic work conducted by The Center for Adoption Support and Education. Scroll down for full description and more Beneath the Mask products.
W.I.S.E. Up! Powerbook
Praised by parents around the world, this simple, effective book helps children who have been adopted learn that their story is unique, personal and theirs to share (or not).
W.I.S.E. Up! Powerbook for Children in Foster Care
Based on the nationally acclaimed empowerment program that has helped more than 50,000 children who have joined their family through adoption or foster care. This W.I.S.E. Up! workbook has been tailored to meet the specific needs of children in foster care.
The Whole Me
When foster and adopted children learn that others have shared their experiences, their challenges can be easier to handle.
W.I.S.E. Up! Pocket Guide
Empower your child with the W.I.S.E. Up!SM Pocket Guide. This is a handle little booklet that can be carried on the go. Praised by parents around the world, this simple, effective book helps adopted child learn that their story is unique, personal and theirs to share (or not).
52 Ways to Talk About Adoption Deck of Cards
Encourage family discussion around the subject of adoption with this clever deck of cards, each with an adoption-themed activity.
Beneath the Mask Book Bundle
Save 10% when you purchase the Beneath the Mask Book Bundle! Scroll down for full description and more Beneath the Mask products.