Beneath the Mask: Teens and Young Adults Share Their Stories

Length: 1 hour, 30 mins. 48-hour access begins upon checkout.

Adolescence is a time when adoptees struggle with an extra layer of challenges related to the typical developmental tasks surrounding identity, separation from parents, and decisions around sexuality. In 2005, C.A.S.E. CEO Debbie Riley, LCMFT co-authored Beneath the Mask: Understanding Adopted Teens, which focuses on addressing six spots where teens get stuck—key areas of vulnerability in the adoption experience. C.A.S.E.’s companion teen workbook, Beneath the Mask: For Teen Adoptees, continues that same theme. This webinar will present a brief overview of these six stuck spots and will moderate a panel of the teen and young adult adoptees who contributed their powerful, heartfelt stories of their challenges with these stuck spots in the new workbook.

Presented by Debbie Riley, LCMFT, C.A.S.E. CEO

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