Help Children and Families Thrive


You gift today helps adoptive, foster, and kinship families get the mental healthcare and support they need to heal and thrive. Celebrate C.A.S.E.'s 25th anniversary and be part of a better future for children and families across the country!

Consider a monthly gift, the most efficient and effective way to meet families' needs.  Make a secure donation using the form below.

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What is their email address?
Optional. Write a personal note to the recipient.

Your Gift Makes a Difference 

  • $25 - workbook for a struggling teen to read other teen's stories and navigate adoption-related issues 
  • $50 - workshop registration for a child in foster care to manage and share their feelings 
  • $185 - therapy session for a family to process loss, grief, and trauma
  • $280 - comprehensive mental health assessment for a child to begin treatment

Leave a Special Note 

Use the "Special Notes" box below to write a message of hope and encouragement to the children and families C.A.S.E. serves. We'll display it in our offices.

Special Notes

Please indicate any preferences or special requests.




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