Parenting Youth in LGBTQ+ Adoptive Families

Length: 1 hour, 30 mins. 48-hour access begins upon checkout.

This webinar will focus on the strengths and vulnerabilities of adoptive families headed by LGBTQ+ parents. Historical trends and barriers to adoption by lesbian and gay men will be discussed, as well as common myths and misconceptions associated with children being raised by LGBTQ+ parents.

Research findings contradicting these stereotypes will be highlighted. Common issues and challenges in working clinically with adoptive families headed by LGBTQ+ parents will be explored, both for the pre-adoption and post-adoption periods.

Special attention will be given to issues related to sexual orientation socialization and racial socialization of children by adoptive parents, open adoption, and the need to help children manage teasing and micro-aggressions associated with their family status. Benefits for youth raised by LGBTQ+ parents will be highlighted including a panel of LGBTQ+ parents.

Presented by David Brodzinsky, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus Rutgers University, Consultant, Trainer and Author