Mind Body Practices for Hope and Healing

Length: 1 hour, 30 mins. 48-hour access begins upon checkout.

Scientific research supports integrative approaches that focus on all aspects of our well-being for prevention, promoting good health and healing from trauma and illnesses. The impact of stress is experienced individually, collectively in our work, and in our communities.  It affects our bodies and our emotional connection to ourselves and others. Trauma-informed care recognizes that our wounds are held deep within the human body, and therefore to fully heal, treatment must include somatic elements. The intrinsic mind/body connection provides the practitioner with the vital link between wounds stuck inside the body and the deep healing needed. Understanding the mind-body connection and using mindfulness techniques supports self-awareness and a clearer understanding of the control we have to manage stress and make healthy change.

This workshop will give a brief description of the theoretic underpinnings and key aspects of the Trauma Center Trauma-Sensitive Yoga and Mind-Body Skills. This experiential workshop invites participants to engage in the whole-body practices and learn self-care tools that are easy to use and cost effective. Opportunities will be encouraged to experiment with gentle yoga, mindfulness meditations, and expressive outlets with writing and art.

Presented by Lisa Maynard, LMSW