Side by Side Film Screening for Adult Adoptees

Please join us for a film screening of Side by Side, co-sponsored by National Council for Adoption (NCFA) and Catholic Charities. This screening is for adult adoptees only.

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Side by Side Film Screening for Adoptees

What happens when the lives of children are re-set by adoption, sent to grow up in new countries and families of a 
different race, language, and culture? Nine Korean adoptees reveal a stark and often emotionally fraught journey 
representing decades of inter-country adoption.

This short film presents the stories of 9 Korean-born, inter-country adoptees, and is composed entirely of intensely 
intimate, first-person narratives, filmed in Seattle, Chicago, Boston, New York City, Paris, Stockholm, Amsterdam, 
and Melbourne—stories of a baby violently thrown from a car at an orphanage front door, being given away to a total 
stranger in a train station, the identity issues of feeling like a “Martian,” the complexities of being gay and a Korean-American adoptee, reuniting with birth parents and trying to make sense of relationships with mothers and fathers 
they’ve never known.

We hope you can join us for the Side by Side Film screening, co-sponsored by National Council for Adoption (NCFA) and Catholic Charities, on Saturday, June 8th.  This screening is specifically for adult adoptees at the AFI Silver Theater.  Filmmaker and director Glenn Morey will be lead a Q&A sessioin after the screening and C.A.S.E. therapists will be on hand to provide support and answer questions.


When: Saturday, June 8, 2024 at 10:00 AM(EST)

Where: AFI Silver Theatre and Cultural Center, 8633 Colesville Road, Silver Spring, MD



Contact Lauren Lynch at [email protected].